Are custom greenhouses & gardens a part of your New Year’s resolution for 2022??
For our garden and health enthusiasts, growing your own fruits and veggies year-round may just be at the top of your list! The brisk days of winter are upon us, which means your outdoor garden plot is resting for the season. For those wanting to extend their growing season, custom greenhouses may be the perfect solution. Imagine having your favorite fresh fruits, herbs, veggies, and plants available just steps away from your kitchen at any time of the year!
This winter, Chicago Botanic Gardens is challenging gardeners to plan ahead for their gardens in a unique way. They have a few ideas to keep your garden thriving and ways to not get overwhelmed with your long wish list to create that perfect garden.
Talk with friends about what they grew or are currently growing, in their gardens. Sharing garden successes creates fun opportunities to expand your skills with gardening and open your pallet to new delicious recipes! Winter gardening additionally provides learning opportunities for the kids (and new gardeners) in your life.
With a custom greenhouse on your property, gardening is a breeze. Between climate-controlled environments, insulated windows, and tons of natural light streaming through the large window panes, plants will relish in this cosy home regardless of the weather outside.