Island Conservatories | How do you unwind?

How do you like to unwind after a long day?

Do you enjoy long walks? Do you watch the sun as it sets over the horizon with a cup of hot tea or a tall glass of wine? Do you enjoy the view of the night sky through the windows of a conservatory?

It’s amazing how the atmosphere changes when you step under glass. Allowing the stressors of the day to wilt away and add some positive energy to your life. The spell of a glass conservatory creates a peaceful environment where your mind and body want to relax.

From mountainous terrains to an amazing lakeside view, families around the globe are beginning to experience the magic of life under glass.

Island Living

We had the exciting opportunity to design and manufacture a beautiful copper-clad conservatory on an island in Montana.

Of all the amenities on this clients island their favorite place to be is in the conservatory. He said,

“It has one of the prettiest views in the world … I like to keep this as a retreat to myself. I sit on the front porch and watch the waves and the mountains and it’s just one of the most peaceful places on earth.” 

For a virtual tour of the estate, click the button below. Skip ahead to 03:27 to tour the custom copper conservatory!

When we spoke with the family about their vision for this dream conservatory, they wanted to make it look as though it could stand the test of time;  to serve as a getaway from the world around them. With the most beautiful view on the island, this copper clad and mahogany conservatory creates a calming environment and sedative nature that makes you appreciate nature in its truest form.

Through these hand-crafted mahogany windows, imagine… stargazing late at night with a good read or waking up admiring the wildlife on the island with your morning cup of tea…

What views would you capture from your custom conservatory?

Nestled within the estates of our clients, their conservatories have changed how they live their lives. If you are thinking of adding a unique glass addition to enhance your home, give us a call at 410.479.4700 or fill out our inquiry form!