Can Greenhouses and Conservatories Help Reduce Our Foodprint?

cedar greenhouse | exterior | by pool | beautiful landscape architecture

Our “foodprint” is the environmental impact of everything it takes to get our food from farm to table! Whether you’re growing rare, exotic plants, citrus trees or a plethora of herbs and vegetables, greenhouses and conservatories are valuable home additions and CAN HELP REDUCE YOUR FOODPRINT! These peaceful garden oases are perfect for growing a variety of plants and healthy foods. They put us in control of the produce we eat, help reduce food waste and lessen the need for food packaging and the energy it takes to make and transport it! 

Many of Tanglewood’s clients looking to design and manufacture a custom greenhouse are passionate about growing their own foods and herbs. A few years ago, we had worked with a client who was an exclusive plant collector and wanted a greenhouse not only to house his collection of rare and exotic plants but to become a place where his family could grow their own food!

To maintain such a complex pairing of exotic plants and edible plants, they knew they needed an uncommon expert who had experience with caring for plants under glass. At any given time, there was a succulent/cactus bed, an orchid bed, a large tree fern, lemon trees, bananas, peppers, avocados, limes, lemons, angel’s trumpets, and many other wonders. A rock wall was planted with epiphytes and appropriate climbers.

Dea Schofield, Project Horticulturalist
Cedar Greenhouse

Of the many beautiful plants housed within this greenhouse, growing edible plants became a fun way for their kids to learn about gardening, ecosystems, and nature! Their children were often drawn to the greenhouse admiring the fruits of what was growing and occasionally finding a friendly frog or two amongst the plants to play with!

In talking with Dea about selecting plants to thrive in greenhouse environments, she recommended the following plants for those looking to start growing in a greenhouse:

  • Citrus
  • Peppers
  • Sweet Potatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Cucumbers
  • Papayas
  • Herbs
  • Lettuce

These are all great plants which adapt well under glass. Some are a bit attractive to bugs, but they are easy to control,” according to Schofield.

Start your garden and begin growing delicious homegrown veggies in a Tanglewood greenhouse today!
Interested in learning more about our greenhouses? Explore other Tanglewood greenhouses here!