“It began as a flat glass plane in a starburst shape and then we separated it into a cluster of stars as if they were in a constellation. Then we decided to raise it up into a three dimensional form with undulating planes of glass…”
Imagine… an effortless merge between inside and outside…
We welcome any chance to work alongside other professionals to create what appears to be impossible and create something beyond their client’s expectation. In this case study, we partnered with Clites Architects, Horizon Builders, and Fritz & Gignoux landscape architects to create this modern treasure nestled within their client’s backyard. Creating something this beautiful takes skill and professionalism only shown by architects who have honed and crafted their skills, this is why doing your research on professional landscape architects, will stand you in good sted when designing your home inside and outside to get an all round look of perfection.
This project was very unique. As architect Gary Lofdahl mentions in the study, “[we were] experimenting with all kinds of new ideas that morphed over time…”.
We hope this project inspires you as much as it has our team.