b'CONSERVATORIES, GREENHOUSES, & POOLHOUSES DOMES, SKYLIGHTS, & CUPOLASWE BELIEVE that a beautiful conservatoryCAPTURE THE ROMANTICISM of the turnTHE TRADITION of building extraordinaryORNAMENTAL IN NATURE, a TanglewoodLIKE THE DOME, the development and util- ANOTHER LIGHT-TRANSMITTING fenes-begins with your visionand your passions.of the nineteenth-century with Tanglewoodstructures to enclose both public and privateglass or copper dome can be useful as well.ity of skylights have a long trajectory. Sincetration is the cupola, which is derived from However you will use your conserva- Conservatories bespoke greenhouses, botan- swimming pools dates to the great RomanGlass domes placed on rooftops can floodancient times, admitting light and air wasthe Latin and Greek words meaning small or tory, whatever the style that best reflects yourical and palm houses. balnea or thermae. Most Roman cities had atthe interior space with light, allow for venti- the primary goal, but mass production and upside down cup. During the Renaissance, as home, whatever the materials you choose, itleast one such building, which was centrallation, and offer a unique vantage point fromaccessibilityofglassnotonlyallowedforthe use and engineering of domes advanced, Designed to suit ones individual tastes will be a room like no other! andinterests,aTanglewoodglasshouseto the public life of its citizens. Most privatewhich to view the surrounding countrysidethis key function, but kept out the elements, architectural elements such as cupolas, belve-Start with the light, for light is at theserves as the centerpiece for year round culti- villas also included a bathhouse which was aor neighborhood. unlike the open oculi found in early Romanderes, and roof lanterns also evolved. Grac-heart of a fine conservatory. What do youvation and a multitude of splendors. Whethersymbol of status, culture, and luxury. DerivingfromtheLatinworddomus,architecture.IntheVictorianEra,whileing the top of roofs or domes, cupolas arelove about your home? What would you likeyour heart desires to grow opulent orchids,Tanglewooddrawsuponthishistorymeaninghouse,domeshavedevelopedinalmost every row house in urban areas had aoften ornamental devices, but like their larger to add to it?tropicals,peonies,filipendula,lychnics,or to create unique and luxurious pool enclo- most cultures since prehistory, using localsimple metal-framed skylight, citizens withdome counterparts, can be useful by provid-Whether classical, modern, or eclectic;lilies, the brilliance of a glass belvedere willsures.Weworkwithbothmodernandandenduringmaterials.Perhapsthemost financial means used more elaborate designsing ventilation and light to spaces below. whether made of exotic hardwood or custominspire and motivate you for the garden- traditional themes. Steel, cast iron, or richfamousdomeknowntoustodaycoversand the skylight evolved to its aesthetic appli- TanglewoodConservatoriescreates designed with steel, cast iron, bronzeoring work at hand. hardwoodsareintegratedwiththebuild- Hadrians Pantheon, which was built in thecation as well. Today, Tanglewood referencesvaultedcustomcupolasandrooflanterns an artful combinationyour TanglewoodTanglewoodConservatoriesisheirtoings structural requirements and the needssecond century. Over time, domes evolvedthetraditionaluseofskylightstocreatemade of glass or copper in any shape or size.conservatory will express your home, your150 year-old traditions in glass architecture.of the mechanical systems that control thefrom simple structures to more opulent anddesignsmotivatedbyenergyconservation dreams, and your life. Theindustrialrevolution,whichsawtheindoor environment. familiarsymbolsofmortuary,ecclesiastic,as well as beauty. Manufactured from fineTanglewood creates one-of-a-kind con- development of steel and glass as buildingCreating an artful, functional composi- andgovernmentalarchitecture.Today,ofhardwoods, steel, copper, bronze, and glass, servatories. With our decades of experience,materials, enabled a new age of architecturaltion is what Tanglewood does best. course, domes also grace much smaller build- Tanglewoods custom skylights add drama you can rest assured that the design, details,possibilities and the conservatory was one ofingssuchassingle-familyhomes,gardentothearchitectureandarerichappoint-and features of your room will be just forits most exuberant expressions. gazebos, and even silos. ments to any homes roofline.you, and for you alone. theseingeniouscreationsof Tanglewood can create circular or polyg-Today nineteenth-centuryengineeringserveasonal domes as sources of light and beauty for inspirationtoTanglewood,whosemodernhomes, garden follies, swimming pool enclo-day follies hearken back to that imagina- sures, or whatever your dreams may be. tive era.1213'