b'GLASS DOME CONSERVATORYBEAUTIFUL TO LOOK AT and inspiring to be in, a conservatory quickly becomes a focal point in your home. This conservatory with its towering glass dome was originally intended to be a mere greenhouse. Situated at the far end of the house adjacent to the garage, it turned out to be so spectacular that the owners decided to use it as a cloistered Great Room instead.The room is constructed of mahogany, richly stained to allow the full character of the wood to gleam through. Inside, the win-dows and dome create a natural frame for the gardens and a pan-oramic skyscape. The owners keep the space filled with exotic varieties of orchids year round, with a bubbling fountain provid-ing much of the humidityHardly a mere greenhouse.Design: Collaboration with Rossetti Architects THE FIT AND FINISH OF A TANGLEWOOD CONSERVATORY HAS MORE IN COMMON WITH SCULPTURE THAN CARPENTRY.OUR CONSERVATORIES ARE INTRICATE,COMPLEX, AND EACH ONE IS UNIQUE.56'